SUPABOX is the Breakdance version of the SuperBox element of Oxygen Builder.
It has been enhanced a little bit (easing + rotate options were added), but it still works in the same exact way.
For those who are not familiar with the Oxygen version, it's basically an element to create an hover effect between 2 containers (on top of each other).
The element is available in the FREE plugin : Asset4Breakdance
For the structure, you have the main container, and his two children (the Primary one and the Secondary one).
They are also containers so you can put whatever you want inside (image, texts, videos...)
By default, it shows a simple image placeholder with a heading on top of it.
The most common use will probably be an hover effect on an image, to display a different image :
But you can do a bit more than that, as you can control the opacity, rotation... you can easily customize your hover effects. Here are a couple of example that you can copy and paste in your website (click the button).