Poster #1

The Post Loop Builder and the Post List elements don't have an option to turn the layout into a MASONRY one. We can only choose between a List, a Grid or a Slider layout.
Here is a simple method with a single Code Block element. Like the following example, the layout will have 3 columns by default, then 2 in tablet mode, and finally one column in mobile mode. (resize the window to see the layout changing in realtime).
Add the Post Loop Builder element and set its ID to "masonry-posts"
Change the Layout to Grid and set the grid exactly like you want. With the Items Per Row, Space Between Items, you can set different values for each breakpoint, just like you would do it with a usual Grid layout.
Go to the Advanced Panel and add this Custom CSS :
That's it for the Post Loop Builder element.
Add a Code Block element and add this code in the PHP textarea :
Still in the same Code Block, in the Javascript textarea, add :
That's it, it won't work on the backend but it will work just fine in the frontend.