Breakdance includes Font-Awesome v5 in his Icon Library. Which contains +1150 icons.
Font-Awesome v6 has 340 new icons, so if you wish to install this new version, here is how to do.
Step 1 - Download the file
Download the last from the Github Releases page:
Then unpack the ZIP file and go to the svgs folder
You will see 3 folders : brands, regular and solid.
Step 2 - Install the new icon sets
Open the Icon Library (just add an icon to your page and click to choose an icon).
Click on the Upload button, then type the name of the new icon set and drop all the SVG files of one of the 3 folders.
Do the same thing for the 2 other sets.
As we don't need Font-Awesome v5 anymore, we can delete the 3 sets and only keep the new ones:
If you want to see the 340 new icons, go to this page: