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Archives: Breakin Elements

Wrapping Lightbox element

Wrapping Lightbox element The Wrapping Lightbox element functions like the Wrapping Link element but is specifically designed to open images in a lightbox. Unlike the built-in lightbox feature of Breakdance,…
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GSAP Magnetic Mouse

GSAP Magnetic Mouse The GSAP Magnetic Mouse element creates an interactive animation effect where an HTML element follows the mouse cursor with a magnetic-like behavior, moving smoothly towards the cursor…
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GSAP Path Text

GSAP Path Text The GSAP Path Text element enables the animation of your text along a pre-defined SVG path. This feature can be utilized as a traditional entrance animation or…
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GSAP Perspective

GSAP Perspective The GSAP Perspective element allows you to turn your content into a 3D banner, featuring a perspective effect on scroll. Additionally, the "extrude" effect can be animated. Note…
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GSAP Timeline 3D

GSAP Timeline 3D The GSAP Timeline 3D will transform your element—be it an image, text, or another element—into a 3D rectangle, which you can animate using a powerful timeline feature.…
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Scramble Text

Scramble Text The Scramble Text element offers various visual effects, including glitching, decoding, decrypting, scrambling, and standard spelling. Be sure to set a min-height (in design options) when selecting one…
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Breakpoint Picture

Breakpoint Picture The Breakpoint Picture element looks like an Image element, except that it uses the <picture> html tag.This element allows for the display of different images across various breakpoints,…
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GSAP Parallax Mouse

GSAP Parallax Mouse The parallax mouse effect is a visual technique where different layers of content move at varying speeds in response to mouse movement. You can copy these sections…
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SVG Icon element

SVG Icon element The SVG Icon element presents a modified approach to the standard Icon element. Instead of requiring the selection of an icon from a predefined library, it enables…
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Parallax Tilt element

Parallax Tilt element This parallax tilt effect utilizes the Atropos JS library. Enhancements have been implemented to provide greater control over shadow and highlighting effects. You can copy these sections…
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Dynamic Text elements

Dynamic Text elements Breakdance provides a straightforward method for incorporating dynamic text. However, inserting dynamic text within a sentence can prove inconvenient. The Dynamic Text element facilitates the integration of…
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Circle Text element

Circle Text element The Circle Text element uses a magic SVG function to transform your straight text into circular text.Change the radius, the size, and animate it with ease. You…
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Section Parallax element

Section Parallax element The Section Parallax element is the same as the regular Section element, but with some extra options to add a parallax effect with the background image.Vertical or…
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GSAP Split Text element

GSAP Split Text element The GSAP Split Text element is a remarkable tool that takes your text to the next level. It automatically breaks your text into individual spans for…
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GSAP Slice Image element

GSAP Slice Image element The GSAP Slice Image element transforms an image into a grid of individual Divs, allowing you to animate each segment in sequence. You can copy these…
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GSAP Reveal element

GSAP Reveal element The GSAP Loop element acts as a container that allows you to insert various types of element (text, images, Div, etc.) that will animate in a loop.…
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GSAP Loop element

GSAP Loop element The GSAP Loop element acts as a container that allows you to insert various types of element (text, images, Div, etc.) that will animate in a loop.…
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GSAP Stagger element

GSAP Stagger element The GSAP Stagger element is container that works like a DIV (well it's a Div), therefore it has the exact same options as a regular Div element.…
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