Important :
The GSAP files (gsap.min.js and ScrollTrigger.min.js) will be loaded locally automatically.
Added an incredible new element : GSAP Timeline 3D
Added a new really cool element : Scramble Text
Add new features "Scroll Sync" (Scrub in GSAP language) and Trigger options for these elements:
- GSAP Split Text
- GSAP Stagger
- GSAP Slice Image
Fixed some old shit
BE AWARE that due of a fucking mistake, some elements are not compatible with the previous versions of the plugin.
Which means that 'Dynamic Text", "SVG Icon" "GSAP Reveal" "GSAP Split Text" "GSAP Stagger" and "GSAP Slice Image" have to be redone (if you used them in your page).
Added a new element : Breakpoint Picture
- fixed the Touch Support option
- When the option "Use Fullscreen" is true, the option "Touch Support" is set to false (or it won't work well on mobile, for obvious reason)
GSAP Split Text :
added data-char and data-word attributes so we can manually style the spitted char/word.
Fixed those 3 elements AGAIN!
- GSAP_Slice_Image
- GSAP_Split_Text
- GSAP_Stagger
Added the option "delay" to these elements, and fixed the FOUC effect :
- GSAP_Slice_Image
- GSAP_Split_Text
- GSAP_Stagger
Fixed and updated :
- GSAP_Parallax_Mouse
- GSAP_Parallax_Mouse : Breakpoint support for the Parallax Mouse Wrap position settings.
Initial shitty release