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Breakdance Easy UI

Do you want to make the Breakdance UI a bit more readable and convenient to use?
If so, check this slightly modified UI style.

See all options

Not only are the titles a little bigger, but we can finally see all the options available : if we can set different values for each breakpoint, and if a propertly have an hover value too.

Original Div
Styled Div

Readable Structure

It was really, super tiny. So now it's just a little bigger.

Breakdance Old Ui Right Panel
Breakdance Easy Ui Right Panel

Coding with style

Once again, it was pretty small, so the new version is bigger and some of the colors are also less saturated.
Note that it doesn't only affect the Code Block element but also the fullscreen Code editor and the Element Studio editor.

Breakdance Old Ui Code
Breakdance Easy Ui Code

The code editor, when enlarged, has now line numbers - Special thanks for Moussa Khelifi for the snippet.

Codemirror Linenumber

How to install the New Style

Step 1

Install the Stylus extension (Chrome, Firefox,Opera) :

Step 2

Go to and click on the Install button

Step 3

On the new tab that will open, click on the Install Style button:

Breakdance Easy Ui Install

That's it, it will be enabled automatically each time you open Breakdance. You can disable the new style easily by clicking on the checkbox :

Breakdance Easy Ui Disable